Thursday, January 22, 2009

The here and now...

So, I'm sure you blog-a-holics will already be able to tell, but good ole Marcy Jean is kinda new to this blogging business, so bare with me...

Since I didn't get around to the Christmas letter that I promised myself I would get out, I guess I will just update everyone here, instead. First of all, as I'm sure most of you who care already know, Dean and I have been separated and going through a challenging divorce for about 3 years now. It has been a bumpy road, but it's finally over, and I'm happy to say that we parted friends, which, under the circumstances, is about the best a person could hope for, I guess. We had some memories together, and there were some good times, it was a valuable learning experience, and we have 4 beautiful children, and now we are both happily moving on...

That being said, lets move on a head, shall we?

Currently, as of this moment, Marcy Jean is sitting at my desk at the commercial RE firm, Grubb&Ellis Wyoming, where I have been sitting since 9 am with nothing to do, (it's now almost 2 pm). I am currently wrestling with a job I do NOT enjoy, and am exploring my various options. I will be headed back to Brooks Realty in a few weeks, hopefully, where I have been working since May 2006. This is the job that I love :)

I have been able to help several people enjoy their dream of land ownership in the beautiful West over the course of my career here. I have made some lifelong friends, seen the beautiful, wide open expanse of the prairie stretched out before me as far as my eyes would let me see, and I have to say, I think it's one of the most beautiful sights a person could take in. I am truly thankful for the direction God has given my life so far, and I'm very thankful for the opportunity to keep waking up one more day and trying all over again.

I'm forever grateful, ( that almost seems like too soft a word for the emotion I feel), for ancestors and parents that embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ so that I could grow up with the constant influence in my life. It truly is the way to happiness.

I wake up every morning in my sweet little home on the Wyoming Hereford Ranch and 2 things usually happen. 1) I curse it for being about 1 1/2 sizes too small for our family, and 2) I swear to myself that I will never leave until I find a place that fits just right in my soul the way this place does.

On to the kidlets :)

Coulter is 11, going on 12 in April, which makes me feel incredibly old... I feel like I haven't quite been out of the awkward pre-teen/teen phase long enough to have a child going through it! He's incredibly mature, and probably, truth be told, one of my best friends. He is smarter than he gives himself credit for, stronger than he gives himself credit for, and it frightens me sometimes to see just what an impact his example has on the girls, be it good or bad. Being a parent is like a long, bumpy roller coaster ride, with plenty of ups and downs, and fast turns that it's fun, but still makes you want to barf sometimes too :)

Keller Mattie is 9, going on 10 in June. She sensitive, and caring, and funny. She is the spitting image of Grandma Sharon. She loves taking pictures, and drawing and painting, and horses. She is the messy one in our family, and Coulter affectionately coined the nickname "Sloppy Joe", which, of course, I have to pretend isn't funny while I explain to him that it hurts her feeling.

Hawley is 7 going on 30. She's a very deep thinker, and is alarmingly concerned about the way she looks all the time, I have a clothes-horse on my hands, I realized a while ago.She can fall asleep almost at will, which usually coincides with some sort of chore she is assigned. She's a very outgoing child, which does try my patience a lot, as you can imagine.

Cloe is our not-so-little-anymore littlest one. She is 4, but her soul is much older and wiser, and more mature. She is very analytical, and is a very good problem solver. She is a "call it like I see it" child, which sometimes is mildly uncomfortable. She is the author of such comments as "Mom, the guy with the brown head just waved at me", said in her loudest speaking voice, referring to the African-American fix-it man in my office building.
Life is fun, isn't it?! Anyway, that's a good enough start for now, anyway...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey Marce how fun to have a blog. I can't wait to keep up on it! :)